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Privacy Notice

This privacy notice describes how Hostmore plc ('we', 'us') collects and processes personal information about you, how we use and protect this information and your rights in relation to this information.

This privacy notice applies to all personal information we collect or process about you. Personal information is information or a combination of pieces of information that could reasonably allow you to be identified.

This privacy notice does not apply to the personal information processed by other companies and businesses within our corporate group (‘Group Companies’), for example, the TGI Fridays and 63rd+1st businesses. Please see the privacy notices on the websites of those businesses for details of how they collect and process your personal information.

Personal information we use

We primarily collect your personal data directly from you when you interact with our website. We may also receive information about you from our Group Companies.

If you are an investor, we may be required to collect certain authentication information about you before allowing you to log in to our website (or part of the website) for security and/or fraud prevention purposes and/or to comply with legal and/or regulatory obligations. Failure to provide this information where required will mean that you are unable to log in.


Information we receive

The categories of information that we receive about you may include:

  • personal details (e.g. name, date of birth)

  • contact details (e.g. phone number, mobile number, email address, postal address)

  • authentication information (e.g. password, responses to security questions)

  • any information you may provide to us in communications

  • details of how you interact with our website. Please see our cookie policy for further information about this


How we use your personal information and the basis on which we use it


We use your personal information to:

  • communicate with you and deal with your enquiries and requests

  • send you information which you have requested or we think may be of interest to you

  • manage your relationship with us

  • authenticate your identity when you engage with us for security and/or fraud prevention purposes

  • manage our Group Companies

  • maintain and improve our website

  • comply with legal and/or regulatory obligations to which we are subject and cooperate with regulators and law enforcement bodies


We must have a legal basis to process your personal information. In most cases the legal basis will be one of the following:


  • to comply with our legal and/or regulatory obligations (for example, authenticating your identity to enable us to meet our security and/or fraud prevention obligations, and/or meeting our obligations to tax authorities)

  • to meet our legitimate interests (for example, to manage and understand how you engage with us to improve and develop our website. When we process personal information to meet our legitimate interests, we put in place robust safeguards to ensure that your privacy is protected and to ensure that our legitimate interests are not overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms.


We may obtain your explicit consent to collect and use certain types of personal information when we are required to do so by law (for example, if we process sensitive personal information). If we ask for your consent to process your personal information, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us using the details at the end of this privacy notice.

Your rights over your personal information

You have certain rights regarding your personal information. These include rights to:

  • access your personal information

  • rectify the information we hold about you

  • erase your personal information

  • restrict our use of your personal information

  • object to our use of your personal information

  • receive your personal information in a usable electronic format and transmit it to a third party (right to data portability)

  • lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority.


We encourage you to contact us to update or correct your information if it changes or if the personal information we hold about you is inaccurate.

We will contact you if we need additional information from you in order to honour your requests.

If you would like to discuss or exercise such rights, please contact us at the details below.

Automated decisions about you

The way we analyse your personal information may involve profiling, which means that we may process your personal information using software that is able to evaluate your personal aspects and predict risks or outcomes. This will not have a significant effect on you, but you can still contact us for further information about this.

If you attempt to access investment or marketing information relating to the share capital of Hostmore plc as listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange, we will tell you separately about the processes we have in place to restrict access to that information.


Information Sharing

We may share your personal information with third parties under the following circumstances:

  • Service providers and business partners. We may share your personal information with our service providers and business partners that perform business operations for us. For example, we may partner with other companies to provide company secretarial services, optimise our website, support email and messaging services and analyse information.

  • Group Companies. Hostmore plc works closely with other businesses and companies that fall within our corporate group. We may share the information we hold about you with Group Companies for the purposes listed above. 

  • Law enforcement agency, court, regulator, government authority or other third party. We may share your personal information with these parties where we believe this is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation, or otherwise to protect our rights or the rights of any third party.

  • Asset purchasers. We may share your personal information with any third party that purchases, or to which we transfer, all or substantially all of our assets and business. Should such a sale or transfer occur, we will use reasonable efforts to try to ensure that the entity to which we transfer your personal information uses it in a manner that is consistent with this Privacy Notice.


The recipients referred to above may be located outside the UK. See the section on "International Data Transfer" below for more information.

Information Security and Storage


We implement technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk to the personal information we process. These measures are aimed at ensuring the on-going integrity and confidentiality of personal information. We evaluate these measures on a regular basis to ensure the security of the processing.

We will keep your personal information for as long as we have a relationship with you. Once our relationship with you has come to an end, we will retain your personal information for a period of time that enables us to:

  • Maintain business records for analysis and/or audit purposes

  • Comply with record retention requirements under the law or regulation

  • Defend or bring any existing or potential legal claims

  • Deal with any complaints


We will delete your personal information when it is no longer required for these purposes. If there is any information that we are unable, for technical reasons, to delete entirely from our systems, we will put in place appropriate measures to prevent any further processing or use of the data.

International Data Transfer


Your personal information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in a country that is not regarded as ensuring an adequate level of protection for personal information under UK law.

We have put in place appropriate safeguards (such as contractual commitments) in accordance with applicable legal requirements to ensure that your data is adequately protected. For more information on the appropriate safeguards in place, please contact us at the details below.


Contact Us

Hostmore plc is the controller responsible for the personal information we collect and process.

If you have questions or concerns regarding the way in which your personal information has been used, please contact our Data Protection Manager at 

We are committed to working with you to obtain a fair resolution of any complaint or concern about privacy. If, however, you believe that we have not been able to assist with your complaint or concern, you have the right to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office using their website

Changes to the Policy


You may request a copy of this privacy notice from us using the contact details set out above. We may modify or update this privacy notice from time to time.

If we change this privacy notice, we will notify you of the changes. Where changes to this privacy notice will have a fundamental impact on the nature of the processing or otherwise have a substantial impact on you, we will give you sufficient advance notice so that you have the opportunity to exercise your rights (e.g. to object to the processing).

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